Official Snow Day in Pahrump. The kids were excited. They had lots of fun.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
Bad Day Gone Good Gone Bad
This morning it started out bad, we got up a little late, which meant the kids wouldn't ride the bus, which they love riding the bus. But then I looked outside seeing the rain with some little snow flurries. The kids were excited and we talked about how it would be cool if it would stick to the ground so that we could make a snowman and play in the snow after school.
After the kids were ready and the car was warmed up we headed off to the school. I got a little irritated when we pulled up some guy had his car parked blocking the drop off drive, directing us to go to the parking lot. This would have been fine but I didn't have a jacket and it was wet and cold. As we pulled up in the line of cars I noticed that there were a few women walking up to the cars and talking to the drivers. I didn't think of anything because the kids are not let off the busses until after 8:10 anyway, sometimes they have to sit there until 8:15, so I didn't think about anything when we didn't see any kids outside. At this time I turned around to the kids and told them not to get out yet so they wouldn't have to walk through the parking lot and to have a good day and follows the rules, it's something we do everyday.
As I turned back around a woman walked up to the car and said go ahead the others were moving. So as we pulled up closer to the building and stopped, I went ahead and told the kids it's okay to go and to have a good day and that I love them.
As they opened their doors another woman came rushing over and said the kids were not allowed in the school, "I was not told this by the woman prior". She said the school was vandalized and no kids were allowed on the premises, the kids on the busses were not allowed to get off and that we could sit around and wait or go home and call the school to find out if they can be allowed in.
What makes this so irritating and upsets me is this:
in the last three (3) weeks this elementary school has been vandalized four (4)
different times. The first time my kids were stuck sitting on the busses and was finally let into the school after some time which I didn't find out about until later in the day. The second time I recieved a voice recorded message from the principle before the kids had to go to school and then today. As everyone knows, I don't work, although I would like too, so it's not interfering with my job. But what about the parents who do work?
The kids are starting to get really irritated with this because it interfers with their learning, they like going to school. And especially with this week, they are doing a little more fun stuff along with learing before they go on Christmas break. They have even talked about wanting to go to a different school because of the vadalizim.
The school keeps telling us that they, the school district and police department are doing their best to protect our children and that they are not in immediate danger. After the second time you would think that they would do even more to help protect the school, like more patroling around the school. I know there are enough parents and community members who would be willing to drive by the school to check to see nothing is out of the ordinary. Our children are supposed to be safe at school. And this time of year makes it hard. Apparently they don't even have any leads, just therories on older kids being mischivious. When someone destroys school property, they are invading our children. Our children spend 7 hours a day 5 days week at school, it's not the same amount of time they spend at home but it is enough time to say school is like their second home.
I have been pleased with the grades my children have been bringing home, they are doing better at this school then the one they attended prior. I know that the vadalizim was taken place after school hours and our children were not in any immediate danger but where does it end? When will our children along with ourselves as parents not have to worry so much? What will happen if even more damage is caused and the kids are not allowed in school for more than just a couple of hours. This is one of the reasons why Marvin and I don't live in Vegas, we didn't want this kind of thing happening to our children. It would still concern me if it only happened the one time, but when it happens 4 times in 3 weeks, something has to be done to help protect our children and their right to an education.
After the kids were ready and the car was warmed up we headed off to the school. I got a little irritated when we pulled up some guy had his car parked blocking the drop off drive, directing us to go to the parking lot. This would have been fine but I didn't have a jacket and it was wet and cold. As we pulled up in the line of cars I noticed that there were a few women walking up to the cars and talking to the drivers. I didn't think of anything because the kids are not let off the busses until after 8:10 anyway, sometimes they have to sit there until 8:15, so I didn't think about anything when we didn't see any kids outside. At this time I turned around to the kids and told them not to get out yet so they wouldn't have to walk through the parking lot and to have a good day and follows the rules, it's something we do everyday.
As I turned back around a woman walked up to the car and said go ahead the others were moving. So as we pulled up closer to the building and stopped, I went ahead and told the kids it's okay to go and to have a good day and that I love them.
As they opened their doors another woman came rushing over and said the kids were not allowed in the school, "I was not told this by the woman prior". She said the school was vandalized and no kids were allowed on the premises, the kids on the busses were not allowed to get off and that we could sit around and wait or go home and call the school to find out if they can be allowed in.
What makes this so irritating and upsets me is this:
in the last three (3) weeks this elementary school has been vandalized four (4)
different times. The first time my kids were stuck sitting on the busses and was finally let into the school after some time which I didn't find out about until later in the day. The second time I recieved a voice recorded message from the principle before the kids had to go to school and then today. As everyone knows, I don't work, although I would like too, so it's not interfering with my job. But what about the parents who do work?
The kids are starting to get really irritated with this because it interfers with their learning, they like going to school. And especially with this week, they are doing a little more fun stuff along with learing before they go on Christmas break. They have even talked about wanting to go to a different school because of the vadalizim.
The school keeps telling us that they, the school district and police department are doing their best to protect our children and that they are not in immediate danger. After the second time you would think that they would do even more to help protect the school, like more patroling around the school. I know there are enough parents and community members who would be willing to drive by the school to check to see nothing is out of the ordinary. Our children are supposed to be safe at school. And this time of year makes it hard. Apparently they don't even have any leads, just therories on older kids being mischivious. When someone destroys school property, they are invading our children. Our children spend 7 hours a day 5 days week at school, it's not the same amount of time they spend at home but it is enough time to say school is like their second home.
I have been pleased with the grades my children have been bringing home, they are doing better at this school then the one they attended prior. I know that the vadalizim was taken place after school hours and our children were not in any immediate danger but where does it end? When will our children along with ourselves as parents not have to worry so much? What will happen if even more damage is caused and the kids are not allowed in school for more than just a couple of hours. This is one of the reasons why Marvin and I don't live in Vegas, we didn't want this kind of thing happening to our children. It would still concern me if it only happened the one time, but when it happens 4 times in 3 weeks, something has to be done to help protect our children and their right to an education.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Go to the right of the page, I've added some Christmas music if you want to listen while going through my blog. Have a listen. Merry Christmas to All.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
The Owl
In an earlier post I talked about the owl that lives in our neighborhood that we would see almost everyday. The past 2 weeks we have not seen our owl friend. The town brought some more dirt in and grated the roads, unfortanatly the ones around the owls homes. In some spots they even grated the sides where the dirt forms up where I guess they are supposed to put more buildings in. Since they have done this we have not seen the owl. And the hole the owl was occuppying last when we seen him is almost completley barried. But too as the weather was getting colder we were not seeing him everyday. I will keep looking for the owl, but I fear that he has moved.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Yard Sale
I stopped at a yard sale yesterday, just to kill time and besides I like to see what people are getting rid of, you never know what you can find.
I came across these items, and they had some nice stuff along with some antiques I would have bought if I had some where to put them. Although these weren't painted. So I spent my afternoon painting them. I think I did pretty good. They are cute too.
Having Fun
It's a little late but here it is. Kristy had a slumber party for her birthday. They all had a blast, even I had some fun.
Kristy got a Karaoke Machine, all the girls had fun singing.
She was excited about her gifts and thanked everyone.
She even showed her friends how we ask for something we really want, like painting.
The girls got to make "Sweet Dreams", grahm crackers with frosting decorated to look like a sleeping bag with a chocolate pillow.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Friday, October 31, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
Weekend Trip

We went to Alamo this past weekend to celebrate Dad's Birthday with Melissa and Teresa. It was great to see everyone again and the kids had a blast, they weren't ready to leave and neither were we either but it was a good weekend. We had homemade lasagna, bread and peach cobler along with salad. Everything tasted great. While we were there, we got a visit from a deer that has been hanging out around in the fields around Mom and Dad's house. It was pretty cool to see a deer up that close, about 40 feet from us.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Last week when I was taking the kids to the bus stop I noticed a bird on one of the mounts of dirt by house. So after dropping the kids off I went back by where I seen the bird. To my surprise it was an Owl. I remember watching a movie with kids quite awhile ago about a boy saving an area where their were Owls living in the ground. I haven't checked into it yet but I am going to. So anyway, we have seen the Owl almost everyday. I think its really cool that we have an Owl living not too far from us, but I am also afraid that if they keep building the housing around our area, the owl will have to move somewhere else.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Fall Festival

We went to the parade and the carnaval. This year was great, we had Marvin home with us. Although we didn't ride any of the rides I think the kids still had a great time. The whole Green Team had their cars in the parade, although Marvin didn't get far because his clutch went out but he still had fun. Kristy our little dare devil, climbed a rock wall, all the way to the top and she is once again the Winner in the Slipper Swine Contest, that makes 3 times now. It was a good weekend but it was very exhausting. Check back soon for pictures.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
OK, so the other night I was getting ready to walk into my room and go to bed I found our dog Mickey on the floor sleeping in the blankets. Usually he'll barry himself under the blankets all curled up, but this time he was all stretched out I couldn't resist sharing with everyone.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
New Place

We've been really busy these past couple of weeks. Packing, moving and unpacking. Things are slowly starting to settle down just a bit. I am truly exhausted. The kids like Mt. Charleston, but they really wish they could have stayed at Floyd Elementary. There work that they've been bringing home has had some pretty good grades on them, we hope they can
keep it up. Our new place is a lot smaller t
han the last one, but we all like it.

Monday, August 18, 2008
Crazy or Is It Something Else?
Well the last few days have been quite busy for me. Kristy has made a new friend and she has been over a few times, we invited her and Kristy's cousins over for a sleep over saturday night. I've had other kids in my home including my own since Thursday. At times I've had up to 8 kids, I must be nuts. A lot of people, especially Marvin doesn't understand how I can do it. It can be hard at times but with a lot of patience, understanding, and some kind of control it's not bad. For the most part they know the limits in my home, although they sure can test them, but they also know that if they do something wrong than they would have to pay the consequences.
Kids are wonderful things that god has given us the oppurtunity to have in our lives. Have you ever just sat there and watched what a child does or says. At very young ages they know how to do things and their minds are very creative. They pick up on everything, even the things that you wouldn't think they would. They have to have such an open mind and not a one sided mind. They can show an adult so much by just they way they express themselves by wanting to copy everything you do to just coming up to you and saying 'I Love You Mommy' without anyone telling them to do that or even just sit next to you on the couch and give you a hug and watch a show with you that you would think they would not understand or even want to watch. From watching my own children to other children I have learned to appriciate everything about a child from the time they are babies until they are old and grey.
Over the summer I had quite the oppurtunity to do things with my children that we just don't do at home. We went to Colorado and it was wonderful. Grass, trees and bushes everywhere. Flowers by every building and the temperature couldn't have been more perfect. I was able to teach my children how to put a worm on a hook and catch a fish. The excitement and pride that swept over them on catching a fish was a wonderful thing to experience, even reflecting on it now makes me want to cry with pride and happiness. During our trip they showed me that it was okay to be silly once in awhile and act like a kid. They got me to roll down a hill a few times, which I was caught by some adults walking their dogs and the neighbors and roommates. It was fun. It felt good. Everyday with a child is a good day. We as Great Grandparents, Grandparents, Moms, Dads, Aunts, Uncles or whoever have the greatest privelage and reward of knowing a little once, we can do our best to teach them the rights and wrongs, to teach them to be better people but at the same time they teach us rights and wrongs and teach us how to be better, and that is why I feel that I am not Crazy or Nuts having so many children around me.
Kids are wonderful things that god has given us the oppurtunity to have in our lives. Have you ever just sat there and watched what a child does or says. At very young ages they know how to do things and their minds are very creative. They pick up on everything, even the things that you wouldn't think they would. They have to have such an open mind and not a one sided mind. They can show an adult so much by just they way they express themselves by wanting to copy everything you do to just coming up to you and saying 'I Love You Mommy' without anyone telling them to do that or even just sit next to you on the couch and give you a hug and watch a show with you that you would think they would not understand or even want to watch. From watching my own children to other children I have learned to appriciate everything about a child from the time they are babies until they are old and grey.
Over the summer I had quite the oppurtunity to do things with my children that we just don't do at home. We went to Colorado and it was wonderful. Grass, trees and bushes everywhere. Flowers by every building and the temperature couldn't have been more perfect. I was able to teach my children how to put a worm on a hook and catch a fish. The excitement and pride that swept over them on catching a fish was a wonderful thing to experience, even reflecting on it now makes me want to cry with pride and happiness. During our trip they showed me that it was okay to be silly once in awhile and act like a kid. They got me to roll down a hill a few times, which I was caught by some adults walking their dogs and the neighbors and roommates. It was fun. It felt good. Everyday with a child is a good day. We as Great Grandparents, Grandparents, Moms, Dads, Aunts, Uncles or whoever have the greatest privelage and reward of knowing a little once, we can do our best to teach them the rights and wrongs, to teach them to be better people but at the same time they teach us rights and wrongs and teach us how to be better, and that is why I feel that I am not Crazy or Nuts having so many children around me.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
My Mom said!!!
My mom said that I had to create a blog so here it is.
I'm not sure how to start it so I'll start with the events of today. Kristy had a friend come over today. They had lots of fun. They all went outside to play in the pool. Well I know the boys would have gotten muddy, but I didn't expect to see the girls covered from head to toe in mud. Even though they were sprayed off with the hose before they came in they still tracked mud in through the house. Camron was the worst of them all. It looked like he layed down and rolled around in the mud and then was covered in it. I guess I missed out on the mud bath. I hear mud baths are good once in awhile. They all had so much fun.
I'm not sure how to start it so I'll start with the events of today. Kristy had a friend come over today. They had lots of fun. They all went outside to play in the pool. Well I know the boys would have gotten muddy, but I didn't expect to see the girls covered from head to toe in mud. Even though they were sprayed off with the hose before they came in they still tracked mud in through the house. Camron was the worst of them all. It looked like he layed down and rolled around in the mud and then was covered in it. I guess I missed out on the mud bath. I hear mud baths are good once in awhile. They all had so much fun.
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